
Donaldson Torit Cartridge Dust Collectors: Downflo, Vibra Shake, Ambient Air Tubesheet, for industrial dust collection & fume filtration in pharma, chemical, grain & food industries

Donaldson Cartridge Dust Collectors
Cleaner Air from the Innovators of the Cartridge Dust Collector

As the inventor of the cartridge dust collector, Donaldson Torit® provides the most complete range of cartridge collectors that cost-effectively enhance productivity and manufacturing efficiency. Our cartridge collectors are engineered to capture the broad spectrum of dust particles that can inhibit production environments.
Choose cleaner air with Donaldson® Torit® advanced-technology cartridge dust collectors and a variety of filter media that conquer the challenges of most types of industrial dusts, including pharmaceutical, chemical, grain, bulk/powder, food, metal and others. ​​​

Cartridge Dust Collector Types

Downflo® Evolution

The Donaldson Torit® Downflo® Evolution (DFE) cartridge dust collector is capable of reducing equipment size and the number of required filters by up to 40%.

Packaged Downflo® Evolution

The Packaged Downflo® Evolution (DFEP) combines our industry-leading cartridge technology with an integrated fan and electrical controls – all in an attractive, quiet collector.

Downflo® Oval

The Donaldson Torit® Downflo® Oval (DFO) cartridge dust collector is a compact, high-efficiency unit that use oval-shaped filters suited for filtering submicron dust.

Downflo® WorkStation

Specifically designed for areas of dirty and/or noisy operations, the Donaldson Torit® Downflo® Workstation (DWST) applies no restrictions to worker movements or visibility.

Vibra Shake™

Donaldson Vibra Shake™ is a self-cleaning shaker cartridge dust collector used for intermittent applications where high collection efficiency is essential.

Downdraft Bench

The Donaldson Torit® Downdraft Bench​ is a self-contained cartridge dust collector bench used in metalworking where grinding, buffing and polishing preps a surface.

Ambient Air Tubesheet

The Ambient Air Filtration Tubesheet is a pre-filter unit used in air handling and HVAC systems where dust loading is too high for panel filters.

Bin Vent

The Donaldson Torit® Bin Vent applies cartridge dust collector technology to continuous duty, venting applications that displace air and harmful products into silos and bins.

TD Series

The TD Series is a continuous duty, cartridge dust collector using pulse jet technology for on-line filter cleaning that fits into a compact design.

Donaldson Torit Cartridge Dust Collectors: Downflo, Vibra Shake, Ambient Air Tubesheet, for industrial dust collection & fume filtration in pharma, chemical, grain & food industries