High-performance Fire & Explosion Prevention Systems for all Industrial Facilities
The Raptor Spark™ family of Fire and Explosion Prevention, Fire Isolation and Diversion devices are designed to keep any size facility as safe as possible. Automatic functions include hazard detection, system shut-down, isolation/abort, and extinguishing and/or suppression. Customized systems are programmed based on client specifications and can be as simple or complex as necessary to protect your individual facility.
The Raptor Spark family of Fire Prevention, Explosion Prevention, Fire Isolation and Diversion devices are designed to keep any size facility as safe as possible. Automatic functions include hazard detection, system shut-down, isolation/abort, and extinguishing and/or suppression. Customized systems are programmed based on client specifications and can be as simple or complex as necessary to protect your individual facility.
The Raptor Spark Detection & Extinguishing Control Unit RS-PCUSP1L is designed to minimize the risk of fire and explosion in dust filtration and pneumatic conveying systems. This control unit communicates with a variety of components to monitor and protect up to six individual zones. The Control Units RS-CUSP1L & RS-PCU1610SD are FM Approved.
The Raptor Spark Detection & Extinguishing Control Unit RS-PCUSP1L is designed to minimize the risk of fire and explosion in dust filtration and pneumatic conveying systems. This control unit communicates with a variety of components to monitor and protect up to six individual zones. The Control Units RS-CUSP1L & RS-PCU1610SD are FM Approved.
The Raptor Spark Detection & Extinguishing Control Unit RS-PCUSP1L is designed to minimize the risk of fire and explosion in dust filtration and pneumatic conveying systems. This control unit communicates with a variety of components to monitor and protect up to six individual zones. The Control Units RS-CUSP1L & RS-PCU1610SD are FM Approved.
The Raptor Spark™ Thermal Probe RS-TP02 monitors the temperature rise within a vessel using thermostatic technology. The Thermal Probe is complete with an alarm function which signals upon rapid temperature rise based on fixed threshold set points to monitor the temperature in enclosures. It is designed to be used specifically for fire protection in dust collection systems.
The Raptor Spark™ Dust Probe RS-DP03 is a microprocessor based instrument that is designed to detect and measure dust emissions caused by leaks in filtration media. Design characteristics include precalibrated digital optically isolated outputs and a set of LED indicators.
The Spark Detector RS-SD02 is designed to work with the RS-PCUSP1L Control Unit. The Spark Detector uses advanced technology and circuitry, sensitive to infrared light to detect sparks, flames, and incandescent material that passes in front of its optical element. The Spark Detector RS-SD02 is FM Approved and ATEX Certified.
PRODUCT CODES: 50301, 50302, 50303, 50304
The Test Lamp (RS-TL02) is designed to work in association with the Spark Detectors (RS-SD02). The Test Lamp provides a function check to ensure the cleanliness of the Spark Detector lenses by emitting high infrared radiation into ducting or pneumatic conveying lines across from the spark detectors to simulate a spark or glowing ember in the line. The Test Lamp (RS-TL02) is FM Approved and ATEX Certified.
The Firebreak Shutter EM-FBS is engineered to isolate fires and fire hazards in process ventilation and dust collecting applications. Firebreak Shutters EM-FBS are installed in a multitude of applications ranging from wood dust, metal dust, oil mist and/or any other process that has a fire hazard. Preventative (active) and reactive (passive) solutions are available.
The Raptor Spark™ Water Pressure Booster Pump RS-CPR was designed to regulate water pressure going into the extinguishing unit. It is the best solution for facilities that have over or under pressure water lines available for installation of the Spark Detection and Extinguishing System.
Craig Equipment is a leading supplier of Explosion Mitigation Products in Kentucky and Southern Indiana. We provide sales, design, custom solutions, and expert support for various industrial and agricultural applications.