
Easy-Trunk™ and Porta-Trunk™

Compact, Portable Fume Collectors

Compact, portable fume collectors effectively filter smoke, dust, and fumes from welding and grinding applications.
Easy-Trunk™ and Porta-Trunk™ collectors are portable filter systems designed for light-duty dust, smoke, and welding fume collection.

Easy-Trunk™ Collector

Easy-Trunk portable fume collector

Porta-Trunk™ Collector

Porta-Trunk portable fume collector

Trunk 2000 (T-2000) Ceiling-Mounted Fume Extractor

Ceiling-Mounted with Extraction Arms for Source Collection

The Donaldson Torit® Trunk 2000 (T-2000) source fume collector is a self-contained weld fume dust collector designed to capture fume generated from moderate-to-heavy welding applications.
The Trunk 2000 is designed to handle one or two welding stations using flexible Ex-Arms. Ceiling-mount configuration saves valuable plant floor space and provides optimum range of the Ex-Arms.

Trunk 2000 Features


Product Literature

Easy-Trunk™ and Porta-Trunk™ collectors are portable filter systems designed for light-duty dust, smoke, and welding fume collection. The Donaldson Trunk 2000 fume collector is a ceiling-mounted source collector designed to capture fumes generated from moderate-to-heavy welding applications.