Welding Fume Extractors

Craig Equipment supplies a full line of Donaldson ambient, source-capture or portable & our own proprietary W/D Series Robotic MIG + LASER weld fume extractors.

Welding Fume Extraction Systems

Dangers of Welding Fumes

In welding operations, workers are in daily contact with harmful weld fume particulate. Fumes from welding operations consist of 30 to 80 percent submicron-sized particles which means that most of these particles are respirable (can enter the lungs). It is critical to have reliable, high-performance fume collectors, weld fume extraction and weld smoke filters to collect this particulate before it reaches the workers’ breathing zones.​
Welding Fumes from industrial operations

Fume Extractor Types


W/D Series Robotic, Laser & MIG Welding Fume Extraction System

Robotic MIG & LASER welding systems are widely used in modern manufacturing. These systems process a great deal of material and as a consequence also produce a large amount of Welding Fumes.
Air Separation Technologies (Craig Equipment) W/D Series (Patent Pending) systems have been specifically developed for use in these automated welding applications.

Downflo® Ambient (DFA) Fume Collector

The Downflo® Ambient Fume Collector meets today’s metal fabrication operations’ need for innovative solutions to help keep up with new applications and increasing production demands.


The Donaldson Trunkline fume collectors include the portable and compact Easy-Trunk and Porta-trunk models or the ceiling-mounted Trunk 2000 at-source collectors designed to capture fumes generated from moderate-to-heavy welding applications.


Fume Hood

The Donaldson Torit® Fume Hood is the ideal solution for operations whose applications include robotic welding or manual weld cells.

Weld Bench

Our Weld Bench fume collectors are designed specifically for welding operations and provide higher filtration efficiency and longer filter life.

Remote Weld Bench

The Donaldson Remote Weld Bench fume collectors are designed specifically for welding operations and provide higher filtration efficiency and longer filter life.


The Donaldson Ambient Collection System is a self-contained, ceiling-mounted dust collector system that utilizes Ultra-Web® cartridge filter technology.


Product Literature

Craig Equipment supplies a full line of Donaldson ambient, source-capture or portable & our own proprietary W/D Series Robotic MIG + LASER weld fume extractors.